Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Getting back to living

I haven't much felt like posting anything lately. My mother passed away on August 27. The death certificate cited the cause of death as "Failure to thrive - adult." I think she just gave up trying to live. It has been a HUGE adjustment for me. I miss my mom every hour of every day. While I haven't really grieved, it is time for me to join the living again and get back into a routine.

I was supposed to be traveling today, and nothing was going right so I'm still home. Perhaps today will be a good day to begin cutting and sewing on the new Bonnie Hunter Mystery: Easy Street. There is a link to the mystery on my sidebar if you want to join the fun.

Having used up most of the greens and purples, as well as what little neutrals I had, in the quilt for Tajehra, it was necessary to go shopping. There is a store in Phoenix called Mulqueens. I was fortunate enough to shop on a day when all of their fabric was on sale. Here's what I purchased:

Purples (I will also be using some purple scraps left over from T's quilt):
Greens (not all of these will be used in the quilt - I have plent of green scraps):
Black on Whites, Grey and some remnant red:
I may decided to use the red instead of the grey. I'll have to make a few sample blocks to see which I like best.

Miscellaneous fabrics also purchased:
We (my sister and I) stopped at the Goodwill thrift store on our way home and I found these fabrics. There is 4 yards of the green and 1 yard of the red.
All of these fabrics, each being at least 1 yard, together cost less than $100. A very good deal, don't you think?

Tajehra's quilt, "There's No Place Like Home," made from rebuilt log cabin blocks:

I also need to finish the border on Orca Bay. I lost the written instructions in the move... but a few weeks ago I found them saved on a flash drive. YAY! The border will become my leader/ender project with Easy Street.