Thursday, January 12, 2012

Orca Bay decisions

Since I had to unstitch my rows, I decided I would arrange blocks again to see how I liked alternate layouts. Here are my choices. I'm leaning toward stars with all dark backgrounds, which means I'll need to make more hourglass blocks and cut a few more dark squares, but that's okay. And if I go with the all-black stars, then I'm wondering if I should put a blue square in the middle of the new ones (so the X will be complete). I don't like the all-white block design. The other two are okay.


  1. I like both light and dark stars, but, really, it is all a matter of personal preference. Go with your gut. Go with what you like. All dark stars will make a darker quilt, and that's okay too.

  2. Don't care for the all light or all dark stars. I put both of the first choices on my working wall and decided I liked mine as Bonnie designed it, with the blue stripes leading to the light stars. It might have gone the other way had I had some lighter blues in my blue block. All my blues were on the dark side and I work strictly from stash, so what it is it is :)

    Happy quilting and don't forget to take time for you, I'm a caregiver to, and know it's easier to say than do, but we aren't any good to anyone, dead.

  3. I think I may have started putting the blue color in the center of the dark stars, so can't go by me, but - I like the idea of introducing the blue somewhere else. As for all light or all dark, I think the variety gives the quilt more life. All dark makes it so heavy, and all light makes it feel kind of unanchored. I experimented with putting the dark star in the diagonals too and thought the star got kind of lost. Try putting a blue center in the dark stars - I picked mine out and replaced the square in a few hours, it's not too bad. Better than making more blocks. But bottom line - make what you love! Thanks for showing the alternatives.

  4. For me, I like both light and dark as it really makes the pattern pop and come together. If I did another one, I would use different colors cause black has never been my thing..or at least not using so much black. I love the pattern. We all have different tastes, so I think you should do whatever you like the best. Lay it out different ways, look at it every little while and see what you like the best! Go for it!

  5. PS The way you have them laid out, I like the 3rd one down the best. Julia in Missouri
